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ShakeS Peer Connection   music at the Cube

ShakeS Peer Connection music at the Cube

venue addressAlbert Rd N, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 2YF
event dateFri 19 Jan to Friday 15 Mar 2024
event times1-2pm approx. FREE ADMISSION ON THIS OCCASSION. come and enjoy.
telephone 07754950939 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Jill M Peer
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About this Event

ShakeS Peer Connection music at the Cube

Music of all types and genres from Jill Martin and Steve.. ..... Shakes Peer Connecton.
Come for a lovely vedgie. lunch from the cafe or a drink.. or both..

Shakes Peer Connection met here in fact, at the CUBE and play there monthly to assist the place to thrive.. It makes us happy , says Jill they 're newcomers to this work but love playing together and tend to please many with all genres of music and style. NEVER EVER loud. So you can speak and eat peacefully. its also a presentaton for those who may need to hire them at a later date , as the band play for weddings and other purposes too. After music stay if you can for Scrabble or other game at the tables. share lunch if you wish first 12-1pm also
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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