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From Fruitfly Biorythms to a Weekend in Stockholm

venue addressLeicester Museum and Gallery, New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA
event dateMonday 6 Nov 2023
event times7.30pm
Non-members may attend either on Zoom or in-person on payment of £5 (student non-members £3) by booking through EventBrite:
Zoom: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/675972510977
In-person: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/675973203047
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About this Event

From Fruitfly Biorythms to a Weekend in Stockholm

A Leicester Lit and Phil Lecture by Professor Bambos Kyriacou, Professor of Behavioural Genetics, University of Leicester.

Professor Kyriacou’s lecture will describe the events that led him from the genetic research into the circadian rhythms of the mating fruitfly and progress together with Jeff Hall and Michael Rosbash to build a molecular model of the clock genes. This molecular timing mechanism is also in humans and it has become clear over time that this normal circadian function is required for general health and well-being and therefore disruptions of the 24 hour timer (as in shift workers) can lead to many health problems and poor sleep.
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