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Shefford Community Market

Shefford Community Market

venue addressShefford Town Centre between Morrisons and the High Street Bedfordshire SG17 5DZ
event dateSat 8 Mar, Sat 12 Apr
event timesEvery 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am-1pm.

There is no charge to visit the Shefford Community Market.

Find the Shefford Community Market at High Street, Shefford, SG17 5DD.
telephone 07799642863 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Shefford Community Market

The Shefford Community Market (formerly Shefford Farmers’ Market) is on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 9am to 1pm, with up to 30 stalls running between Morrisons and the High Street, offering a diverse mix of food, crafts, sundries and handmade goods. We try not to have direct duplicates, giving all stallholders the best chance to sell their wares.

Each month we have 2 spaces to gift to a local community group/charity to use for fundraising or to raise awareness. To apply for a stall, please go to