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The Issey Chivers Quartet - Jazz

venue addressThe Heron Theatre Stanley Street Beetham Milnthorpe Cumbria LA7 7AS
event dateSaturday 16 Dec 2023
event times7.30 pm

Ticket prices:
Standard £15
Membership £12
Under 18s £6
telephone 015395 64283 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by The Heron Theatre
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About this Event

The Issey Chivers Quartet - Jazz

The Issey Chivers quartet is a Leeds based, vocal led contemporary jazz group, Issey Chivers (voice), Joseph Frost-Tesfaye (piano), Chris Williams (double bass) and Senan McCullough (drums).
Inspired by the music of artists like Cecile McLorin Salvant, Jazzmeia Horn and Emma Smith they create playful melodies and thoughtful improvisation, dreamy soundscapes and driving grooves.
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