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The Arts Society Ashdown Forest lecture by Tony Tucker

venue addressCrowborough Community Centre Pine Grove East Sussex TN6 1FE
event dateThursday 11 Apr 2024
event timesMembers free, £7 for visitors who are very welcome.
2pm but we ask that the audience is seated by 1.50pm
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The Arts Society Ashdown Forest lecture by Tony Tucker

‘This is Wren - the Classical, the Baroque and the City of London Churches’.

This lecture by Tony Tucker looks at Wren’s life and his career as a scientist and astronomer, and goes on to consider his architectural achievements. It features all his buildings in London, Oxford and Cambridge, before focussing on his City of London churches. In addition to photographs of most of Wren’s buildings, the lecture includes original research into the works of architects in Rome and Paris, which influenced Wren and provided much of his inspiration.
Tony Tucker studied Modern History at Oxford. He is a qualified City Guide and he lectures to various City institutions, U3A, historical associations and the Arts Society. He regularly leads guided City walks for organisations and private groups.
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