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Scottish Sinfonia Orchestra in Linlithgow

venue addressSt. Michael’s Parish Church, Kirkgate, Linlithgow, Lothian EH49 7AL
event dateSaturday 27 Jan 2024
event timesStart time 7.30pm - doors open from 7

Tickets £16, U26 £6, children free. Available on-line from Linlithgow Arts Guild, or from Far From the Madding Crowd in Linlithgow High Street, or at the door subject to availability.
telephone 07731614179 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Linlithgow Arts Guild
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About this Event

Scottish Sinfonia Orchestra in Linlithgow

This is a concert of popular classical music. All are welcome.

The Orchestra, which is based in at St. Cuthbert’s Church in Edinburgh, has given many memorable performances for Linlithgow Arts Guild and we are delighted to welcome them back again. Sinfonia was founded in 1970 by Neil Mantle, who has conducted it ever since in over two hundred concerts. It has a basic playing strength of ninety players, augmented as required from a pool of around 160 members. In January 2023 it was delighted to welcome Richard Gratwick as its new leader.
The orchestra is a highly successful mixture of professional players, instrumental teachers, and amateurs with an age range of seventeen to seventy, all united in one common aim: to make music to the highest standard of which they are capable.
Sinfonia is an ensemble at home in a wide variety of musical styles, but is especially noted for its championing of the music of British composers — notably Elgar and Vaughan Williams. Several of the orchestra's performances of these works (and others) may be found on youtube.

Programme for 27th January:
Dvorák - Symphony No.7 in D minor
Mendelssohn – Symphony No.3 in A minor “Scottish”
Rossini – Overture from William Tell

Linlithgow Arts Guild is grateful to Alan Steel Asset Management for their support for this event, and to all the sponsors and funders listed in our brochure and website for their contributions to our season’s activities, without which this performance would not be possible.
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