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Portishead Choral Society Spring Concert

venue addressPortishead Methodist Church High Street Portishead Somerset BS20 6EN
event dateSaturday 23 Mar 2024
event timesDoors open 7.00pm for 7.30pm performance . Ticket price £12.50.
telephone 01275 372678 for latest times or cancellations.
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Portishead Choral Society Spring Concert

Portishead Choral Society presents Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle, a wonderful work and neither Petite nor Solennelle, but composed with light and operatic flair. Our performance will be conducted by our musical director Jonathan Palmer, and accompanied by Rochard Lennox on piano, and also features a real harmonium. The team of distinguished soloists include Sophie Kirk-Harris, (Soprano), Rebecca Chellappah (Mezzo-Soprano) Nicholas Sherwood (Tenor) and Robert Marson (Bass).
Make a date now so you can enjoy Rossini's last serious work in an intimate setting
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