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Introduction to Bushcraft Course

venue addressSanquhar Woods, Forres, Moray IV36 2US
event dateSaturday 8 Jun 2024 and Sunday 9 Jun 2024
event times9am to 5pm
£35 per person
telephone 01309 690450 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Wild Things!
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About this Event

Introduction to Bushcraft Course

Introduction to Bushcraft For Outdoor Leaders is an accredited two-day course for anyone who is looking to embark on the first steps into the world of bushcraft and traditional living skills. This course is the perfect introduction to basic bushcraft if you have ever wondered about wild foods, or wanted to know more about knots.

This course has been designed to be informative and fun, with the goal that by the end of the training all participants will have had the opportunity to try out a range of skills. Participants will learn about safe and effective use of cutting tools, identification of plants and their uses, building natural shelters, traditional fire lighting, and campfire cooking. All in the lovely Sanquhar Woods in Forres.

Bushcraft is a wonderful way to enjoy spending time outdoors, as well as learning more about the natural environment and how cultures have interacted with and lived in nature since time immemorial.

Introduction to Bushcraft For Outdoor Leaders is an NCFE accredited two-day course which is benchmarked at Level 2, as such it is aimed at adults so you need to be over the age of 16 to take part. As this is an accredited qualification there are some short practical and written assessments as part of the course to gain the qualification.
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