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Crafts, Cake and a Cuppa

Crafts, Cake and a Cuppa

venue addressWoburn Village Hall, Crawley Road, Woburn, Bedfordshire MK17 9QD
event dateSunday 16 February
event times10 am to 4pm, Free admission, free parking on-site
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About this Event

Crafts, Cake and a Cuppa

Well-established and well-known craft fair:
- Open 10am to 4pm, Woburn Village Hall
- Unique hand-made items by local crafters.
- Free admission and free car parking on-site.
- Cafe open all day for drinks and light refreshments (all profits to charity) .
- Wheelchair-accessible.
- Well behaved dogs on a lead welcome.

Why not also visit the Woburn Food Market held until 2pm in the village centre?
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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