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CSO Symphony Orchestra Concert

CSO Symphony Orchestra Concert

venue addressAll Saints Church, Wiltshire Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 1TN
event dateSaturday 23 Mar 2024
event timesSaturday 23rd March, 7.30pm

Tickets £15 (Earlybird £13 if booked by 31st January 2024), free tickets for aged 18 or under
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CSO Symphony Orchestra Concert

Booking for Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra's next concert featuring the Beethoven Violin Concerto with soloist Elizaveta Tyun is open now, with an Earlybird discount of £2 on tickets bought before January 31st. CSO’s first concert at All Saints in November was a sold-out success, and they’re expecting high demand for tickets – Elizaveta has a loyal following after superb performances including the Britten, Tchaikovsky and – most recently – Bruch concertos with the orchestra. Born in St Petersburg, Elizaveta Tyun studied at London’s prestigious Royal College and Royal Academy of Music, and last year joined the first violins in one of the world’s great orchestras, the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Alongside Beethoven the programme includes music inspired by art – Vaughan Williams' Job, a Masque for Dancing was originally a ballet inspired by Blake's illustrations for the Book of Job, and Ruth Gipps' Knight in Armour is based on the story in Rembrandt's painting The Young Warrior. Both works are seldom performed and will be a rare treat for audience and orchestra.
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