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28 Fishpool Street - Open Garden for NGS

venue address28 Fishpool Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4RT
event dateFriday 19 Jul 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Evening opening Fri 21 June (6-8). Wine. Sun 23 June (2-5). Home-made teas. Evening opening Fri 19 July (6-8). Wine. Admission £7, Children free. Times:18:00 to 20:00.
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28 Fishpool Street - Open Garden for NGS

Sculpted box, yew hedging and a C17 Tripe House feature strongly in this tranquil oasis set in the vicinity of St Albans Cathedral. Gravel paths lead to a lawn surrounded by late flowering sustainable herbaceous perennial borders and a relaxed woodland retreat. Imaginative planting in all areas offer unique perspectives. Plants are on sale. Not suitable for wheelchairs due to differing levels.
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