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Skool Beanz Children's Allotment - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressSkool Beanz Children’s Allotment, Chilthorne Domer, Somerset BA22 8RB
event dateSunday 15 Sep 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 15 Sept (11-5). Admission £3, Children free. Home-made tea & cakes. Times:11:00 to 17:00.
telephone 07967 937797 for latest times or cancellations.
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Skool Beanz Children's Allotment - Open Garden for NGS

Skool Beanz children's gardening club was created by Lara Honnor to encourage children to enjoy gardening. The allotment has a huge cut flower dahila bed, vegetable area, fruit trees and bushes, a rainwater collecting station, 'Muddy Buddy' compost heap, quiet wildlife garden, secret den, polytunnel and plenty of seating and tables for upcycling garden arts & crafts.
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