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Backswood Farm - Open Garden for NGS

Created with the natural environment at its heart, this evolving 2 acre nature garden provides uniquely designed homes for wildlife. Wander through the flower meadow visiting individually designed rooms with many structures, water features and pools. Seating areas afford stunning views towards Exmoor and Dartmoor. Both native and herbaceous plants have been chosen to benefit insect and bird life.
Check website for latest information.
Sat 6, Sun 7 July (2-5). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:14:00 to 17:00.
Backswood Farm, Tiverton, Devon EX16 8RA
Sat 6 July and Sun 7 July
Contact telephone: 01884 855005 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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