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Welton Lodge - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressWelton Lodge, Brough, East Yorkshire HU15 1PE
event dateSunday 28 Jul 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 28 July (10-4). Admission £5, Children free. Cakes, cream teas and coffee / tea available. Times:10:00 to 16:00.
telephone 07792 345858 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Welton Lodge - Open Garden for NGS

Welton Lodge is a Grade II listed house occupying 1½ acres in the beautiful village of Welton and features a series of tiered gardens. The top lawn features topiary bay balls, leading to a tranquil formal pond with box hedging and shaded semi-circular seating. The renovated walled kitchen gardens have espaliers of fruit trees and vines around formal lawns and flower beds and a 20m orangery.
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