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11 Park Avenue North - Open Garden for NGS

An award-winning, exotic, 250ft garden, much developed in 2023. Dramatic foliage, spiky and lush, dominates, with the focus on palms, cycads, aloes, agaves, dasylirions, aeoniums, tree ferns, nolinas, bamboos, yuccas, bananas, cacti, puyas and hardy succulents. Trees inc orange, peach, Cussonia spicata and Szechuan pepper. Vegetables grow in oak raised beds and a glasshouse.
Check website for latest information.
Sun 21 July (11.30-5.30). Admission £5, Children free. Pre-booking essential, please visit www.ngs.org.uk for information & booking. Home-made teas. Times:11:30 to 17:30.
11 Park Avenue North, Crouch End, London N8 7RU
Sun 21 July