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Rosi's Taverna - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressRosi’s Taverna, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 5DT
event dateSunday 8 Sep 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 21 Apr, Sun 8 Sept (10-4). Combined adm with Briarwood £6.50, Children free. Light refreshments at Briarwood. Times:10:00 to 16:00.
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About this Event

Rosi's Taverna - Open Garden for NGS

An established medium south facing town garden. Kitchen garden intermingles with flowers, shrubs, plenty of fruit trees, soft fruits and vegetables in raised beds. Cacti and succulents hold high importance in the greenhouse. A new bog garden and a pyramid water feature are key elements in the garden. A unique taverna with mosaic flooring offers perfect shelter from sun, wind and drizzle.
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