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Ham Court - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressHam Court, Bampton, Oxfordshire OX18 2HG
event dateSunday 8 Sep 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 8 Sept (2-6.30). Admission £7.50, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:14:00 to 18:30.
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Ham Court - Open Garden for NGS

Several acres of garden, orchard and paddock surround the last gatehouse fragment of the medieval Bampton Castle, partially moated with walled kitchen garden, a productive greenhouse and farmyard with a variety of farm animals. This project begun by Emma Bridgewater and Matthew Rice is 12 years old so now 'bearing fruit' but will always be in a state of permanent change. Delicious teas and vintage tractors.
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