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Malverleys - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressMalverleys, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 0AA
event dateThu 25 Apr to Wednesday 19 Jun 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Thur 25 Apr, Wed 19 June (10.30-4.30). Admission £17.50, Children free. Pre-booking essential, please visit www.ngs.org.uk for information & booking. Visits start promptly at 10.30am, 1pm & 3pm with guided tour by Head Gardener. Tea or coffee inc. Times:10:30 to 16:30.
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Malverleys - Open Garden for NGS

10 acres of dynamic gardens which have been developed over the last 12 yrs to inc magnificent mixed borders and a series of contrasting yew hedged rooms, hosting flame borders, a cool garden, a pond garden and new stumpery. A vegetable garden with striking fruit cages sit within a walled garden, also encompassing a white garden. Meadows open out to views over the parkland.
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