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Swallowfield Village Gardens - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressSwallowfield Village Gardens, Swallowfield, Berkshire RG7 1QY
event dateSunday 2 Jun 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 2 June (2-5.30). Combined adm £8, Children free. Home-made teas at Brambles. Times:14:00 to 17:30.
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Swallowfield Village Gardens - Open Garden for NGS

Swallowfield is offering nine gardens and allotments to visit this yr with seven gardens in the village itself and two gardens and the allotments just outside. The seven village gardens can be reached on foot from the village parking with the two gardens and allotments outside the village requiring a car or bicycle. Each garden is different and provides its own character and interest. Swallowfield nestles in the countryside by the Blackwater and Loddon rivers with an abundance of wildlife and lovely views.

Due to unforeseen circumstances Suvikuja will not be opening as part of Swallowfield Village Gardens this year.
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