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Foxglove Cottage - Open Garden for NGS

A ¼ acre plantaholics garden, full of containers, vintage finds and quirky elements. Paths intersect both sunny and shady borders bursting with colourful planting and salvias in abundance! A beach hut summerhouse and deck are flanked by a water feature in a pebble circle. Two additional small ponds encourage wildlife. A surprise at every turn. The end of the garden is dedicated to a plant nursery.
Check website for latest information.
Sun 26 May, Wed 3, Sun 7 July (1-5). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas inc vegan, gluten & dairy free cake. Times:13:00 to 17:00.
Foxglove Cottage, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5NF
Wed 3 Jul, Sun 7 Jul
Contact telephone: 01403 256002 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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