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Two Cottages - Open Garden for NGS

Magic lurks within this charming 1½ acre garden, evolved over 30 years. Many treasures hidden amongst a variety of planting. Over 215 roses showcased in island borders. Meandering lawn paths lead through wisteria walkway to find three miniature Shetland ponies keen to show off to guests. Tranquil seating areas, teas, cakes and gifts for sale in 'The Shed' shop. The perfect place to buy unusual gifts.
Check website for latest information.
Sun 23, Sun 30 June, Sun 7 July (12-4). Admission £5, Children free. Light refreshments. Times:12:00 to 16:00.
Two Cottages, Chrishall, Essex SG8 8QT
Sun 30 Jun, Sun 7 Jul
Contact telephone: 07929 218639 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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