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Brent Pelham Hall - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressBrent Pelham Hall, Buntingford, Hertfordshire SG9 0HF
event dateSunday 23 Jun 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 23 June (1-4). Admission £8, Children free. Home-made teas in the Estate Office. Times:13:00 to 16:00.
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Brent Pelham Hall - Open Garden for NGS

Surrounding a beautiful Grade I listed property, the gardens consist of 12 acres of formal gardens, redesigned in 2007 by the renowned landscaper Kim Wilkie. With two walled gardens, a potager, walled kitchen garden, greenhouses, orchard and a new double herbaceous border, there is lots to discover. The further 14 acres of parkland boast lakes and wildflower meadows. All gardened organically.
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