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Offcot - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressOffcot, Kinnerley, Shropshire SY10 8EF
event dateThu 10 Oct to Saturday 12 Oct 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Thur 18, Fri 19, Sat 20 July, Thur 10, Fri 11, Sat 12 Oct (10-4). Admission £7. Home-made teas. Times:10:00 to 16:00.
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About this Event

Offcot - Open Garden for NGS

A cottage garden with lots of winding pathways leading to different focal points. The garden is packed with a wide range of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs and underplanted with herbaceous perennials. There is a natural looking pond with a running stream feeding into it. A haven for wildlife. So many different areas to see and enjoy inc the garden bar.
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