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Sunningdale - Open Garden for NGS

venue addressSunningdale, Wem, Shropshire SY4 5ED
event dateSunday 22 Sep 2024
event timesCheck website for latest information.
Sun 22 Sept (11-3). Admission £4, Children free. Times:11:00 to 15:00.
telephone 01939 236733 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Sunningdale - Open Garden for NGS

A ½ acre town garden. Wildlife haven for a variety of birds inc nesting gold crests. A profusion of excellent nectar rich plants means that butterflies and other pollinators are in abundance. Interesting plantings with carefully collected rare plants and unusual annuals means there is always something new to see. Large perennial borders, with exotic climbers, designed as an all year-round garden.
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