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Brockamin - Open Garden for NGS

1½ acre plantsman's garden situated next to common land. Informal mixed borders with a wide variety of hardy perennials where plants are allowed to self seed. Large collection of snowdrops. Plant Heritage National Collections of Pulmonarias, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae and some hardy geraniums. Unusual plants for sale.
Check website for latest information.
Wed 14 Feb (1-4); Sun 18 Feb (11-4); Sun 17 Mar, Sun 14 Apr, Sun 22 Sept (1-4). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:13:00 to 16:00.
Brockamin, Worcester, Worcestershire WR2 4TQ
Sun 22 September
Contact telephone: 01905 830370 Call to check latest times or cancellations.