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Farnham Sinfonia Spring Concert 2024

venue addressSt Andrew’s Parish Church, Upper Church Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PW
event dateSaturday 23 Mar 2024
event timesSaturday, 23rd March at 1930
FREE entry with a retiring collection of a suggested £20 per person
Interval with refreshments
telephone 01252 940851 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Farnham Sinfonia (CIO)
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About this Event

Farnham Sinfonia Spring Concert 2024

A Spring concert with Farnham Sinfonia (CIO) a charity based organisation with professional musicians based in the local community.
Following on from the success of their last event in October 2023, Farnham Sinfonia will continue its introduction of bringing young aspiring musicians to audiences. Most of the soloists are or will have attended the Yehudi Menuhin School near Leatherhead. Playing with the orchestra will give them a wonderful opportunity at the beginning of their careers in classical music.
The concert is being held at St Andrew’s Parish Church at 7.30pm and entrance is free with a retiring collection of £20 per person suggested. Kindly go to their website www.farnhamsinfonia.org.uk to reserve your seat or email farnhamsinfonia2022@gmail.com. Alternatively please call 01252 940851 for further information. Farnham Sinfonia very much look forward to greeting you.

Programme includes:
Mahler - (theme from Death in Venice)
Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 2 and Two Romances
Schumann - Fairytale (for Viola)
Hindemith - Trauermusik
Piazzolla - Spring
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