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Mindfulness Course

venue addressSanquhar Woods, Forres, Moray IV36 2US
event dateThursday 11 Apr 2024
event timesThe course will start on Thursday 11th of April 2024 at 6pm, and will take place in our yurt in Forres. We will provide exact location and directions on booking.

This course is being offered as part of our Silver Saplings Programme and is for adults. You pay a one off non-refundable fee of £35 for the whole 8 weeks.
telephone 01309 690450 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Wild Things!
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About this Event

Mindfulness Course

We are delighted to partner with mindfulness coach Zoe Drennan from @ZenWithZoe to offer this 8 week mindfulness course.

Mindfulness is about being in the present moment, in the here and now. When we are present, we aren’t ruminating about the past of worrying about the future. Mindfulness is a way of slowing down, becoming more self aware, creating more peace and Joy into our lives. And we have to start somewhere. This course is designed to introduce all aspects of Mindfulness. During the 8 weeks we will cover:

The Attitudes of Mindfulness
Informal Mindfulness – Day to Day presence
Formal Mindfulness – Meditation
Mindful Movement – Gentle movement coordinated with the breath
Relaxation with Music

The sessions will be 1.5 hours over an 8 week period which is sufficient time to include all aspects. Although the course is relaxing and conducted at a gentle pace, there is an element of self challenge involved as we embark on a journey of looking inwards and exploring how we show up in our lives.
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