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PSYCHIC NIGHT - Evening of Clairvoyance with Medium Jenny Pugh

venue addressDarby and Joan Hall, 58 Finkle St, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 4AZ
event dateSaturday 2 Mar 2024
event timesDoors open 6:45 for 7:15 start - no late admission.
Tickets £10.00, available from:
telephone 07700153669 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

PSYCHIC NIGHT - Evening of Clairvoyance with Medium Jenny Pugh

Jenny Pugh (as seen in Haunted, Chat-it’s-Fate and Fate and Fortune magazines), is a gifted clairvoyant medium and psychic artist who has communicated with the spirit world from an early age. Using her remarkable talents, Jenny can pass on their beautiful messages of love and guidance, providing evidence of their survival.

Jenny invites you to join her for a relaxed and exciting night of clairvoyance, where will be love, laughter, and maybe even a few happy tears. Her psychic talents will spellbind you, and the survival evidence she provides will bring you comfort, knowing that your loved ones are still with you. The evening will have an intermission.

Take your seat, relax, sit back and listen…as Jenny’s next message could be especially for you!
Please note: attendance does not guarantee you will receive a message. This is a non-smoking/vaping venue, no alcohol permitted. Video or audio recording is also not allowed.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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