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Woodford Players Theatre Supper Evenings

venue addressWoodford Community Centre, Chester Road, Woodford, Cheshire SK7 1PS
event dateFriday 16 Feb 2024 and Saturday 17 Feb 2024
event times7pm for 7.30pm start
Tix: £25
telephone 0161 439 1651 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Woodford Players
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About this Event

Woodford Players Theatre Supper Evenings

Set in a local northern pub, Two introduces us to the Landlord and Landlady. Their welcoming, cheery greetings and friendly banter provide a very thin veil for the sourness and disrespect they have for each other. They met outside the pub as youngsters and now they own the place and their lives have descended into one endless round of sniping, bickering, confrontation and compromise.

Woodford Players Poster for TwoWe visit the pub one evening during which, a variety of customers pass through, and we see a small snapshot of each of their lives. Our Landlord and Landlady play fourteen parts and convey rich stories in which all human emotions are laid bare. This compelling, witty, poignant, dark comedy will have you laughing and crying in equal measure.

From the award-winning writer of Little Voice and Road, Jim Cartwright’s third play Two was first performed in 1989 at the Octagon Theatre in Bolton. It then transferred to the Young Vic Theatre and it has won the Manchester Evening News Theatre Award for Best New Play.

We will be presenting this play at our February Theatre Supper evenings, tickets for which will be on sale in the New Year

Theatre Supper Evenings 16th and 17th February 2024

This amateur production of “Two” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd.on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk
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