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Nantwich Dolls House Fair

Nantwich Dolls House Fair

100% Dolls House and Miniatures Fair.
Traders attending from all over the UK.
Free Prize Draws taking place at the show.
Pay & Display Parking available .
The list of traders attending on our website at www.mgmfairs.co.uk
Light Refreshments available throughout the day.
No buggies, prams or strollers allowed in the fair rooms, but front and back carriers for smaller children are perfectly acceptable
No dogs allowed in the Fair Rooms (Except Guide & Assistance Dogs)
More Fair information on our website.
event dateSunday 11 May
venue addressNantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, NANTWICH, Cheshire CW5 5DG
event times10.30am till 3.00pm
Admission Charges: Adults and Seniors £3.50. Children over 5yrs 5p. Children under 5 free.
telephone 01837680152 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by MGM Fairs
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