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Forum Sheffield Sunday Markets

venue addressForum Kitchen and Bar 127-129 Division Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 7SB
event dateSun 28 Jan to Sunday 24 Mar 2024
event timesFree entry

Sundays from 28th January up to May excluding Mothers Day and Easter.
telephone 01142808227 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Theresa from TAD GLASS
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Forum Sheffield Sunday Markets

Forum Sheffield Sunday Markets 12 - 4pm
Forum Bar and Kitchen on Division Street Sheffield S3 7SB is running a weekly handmade Sunday market from 12 to 4pm starting on Sunday 28th January.

Entry is free so perfect for a bit of Sunday browsing and the venue will be open for drinks and food service including their newly launched brunch menu. service including their newly launched brunch menu.

Traders including hand made stained glass and jewellery items with a different mix each week.
Markets are planned every Sunday from January to May excluding Mothers Day and Easter Sundays.

The venue is organising trader bookings. Please contact by email. Availability is very limited.
Entry is free for visitors.
The market is open from 12 noon to 4pm
The Forum, 129 Devonshire St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S3 7SB
South Yorkshire
S3 7SB
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