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Acoustic Cafe (Bracknell)

venue addressThe Newtown Pippin, Ralphs Ride, Harmans Water Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 9LR
event dateWednesday 6 Mar 2024
event timesStarts 7.30pm, admission free, to reserve a table email :- info@thenewtownpippin.com
telephone 07985359654 for latest times or cancellations.
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Acoustic Cafe (Bracknell)

We have a fabulous line up for the Acoustic Café at The Newtown Pippin, Bracknell with Si Connelly performing as part of his UK Tour, a welcome return of The Tim Shez Band, GSMC instrumentalist of the year Simon Bowers, Vagabond featuring Kev Bull and Fay Freemantle and loop pedal virtuoso Matt Keddie. Starts 7.30pm, to reserve a table email :- info@thenewtownpippin.com
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