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Gong Bath and Meditation

venue addressThe Global Retreat Centre Nuneham Estate, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxfordshire OX44 9PG
event dateSunday 3 Mar 2024
event times3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Voluntary Donations Welcome
telephone 01865 630 150 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Gong Bath and Meditation

Immerse yourself in the harmonious blend of gong melodies and guided meditation, carefully crafted to create a luxurious soundscape. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the gentle and profound effects of sound healing.

Alison is an experienced and skilful player, she plays her planetary and artisan gongs intuitively, holding a safe space for you to journey with the gongs as the sound envelopes and moves through you. A member of the College of Sound Healing, Alison has trained with Gong Masters, Sheila Whittaker, Don Conreaux, Mark Swan and Emrys Skye, Bear Love and Craig Shankster.

Please note when booking:

Gong baths are generally not recommended for the first trimester of pregnancy, if you experience sound induced epilepsy, have mental health concerns, a pacemaker fitted or have recently had an operation.
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