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Nature, Natter and Nibbles

venue addressBBOWT, Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre, Sutton Courtenay Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX14 4TE
event dateFriday 14 March
event times10.30 - 12.00pm
£4.50 (plus booking fee)
Please book by 13Mar25.
telephone 01235 862024 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Nature, Natter and Nibbles

Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre is set on a lovely, hidden nature reserve tucked away behind Didcot Power station. With meadows, ponds and woodland there is always something to see from spring snowdrops to autumn colour, wary foxes to dancing dragonflies - we even have our own demonstration wildlife garden! Join our learning volunteers for a peaceful, gentle stroll around the reserve, stopping to appreciate whatever takes your fancy. Visit the bird hide, peep into the ponds, pinch a raspberry in the vegetable garden and go blackberrying in autumn.

Hot drinks, biscuits and cake are provided, along with good company and conversation. The sessions are relaxed and informal with the option of a shorter walking route if you prefer. Suitable for adults, but babies in carriers can come along too. You will be very welcome, whether it's your first visit or if you attend every month. Come and soak up the nature! You are welcome to bring your lunch to enjoy in the picnic area after the event.

The centre is accessible by car, bike and public transport (buses to Milton Park, and trains to Didcot Parkway with a regular bus link).

We are committed to keeping our visitors, staff and volunteers safe. Please DO NOT attend if you are unwell, or testing positive for an infectious illness, such as COVID-19. Your consideration is hugely appreciated.

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