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Celebrating 65 years of Cliff and the Shadows

venue addressPrincess Theatre and Art Centre, Princess Street, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset TA8 1EH
event dateSaturday 8 Jun 2024
event timesDoors open 7pm, show starts 7.30pm
Ticket Price; £22.50
telephone 01278784464 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Celebrating 65 years of Cliff and the Shadows

Simon Goodall & The Bourne Again Shaddows

Simon Goodall and the Bourne Again Shadows are widely acclaimed as the most authentic sounding Cliff/Shadows tribute act (even Sir Cliff has said so!).

With Cliff classics like Summer Holiday, The Young Ones and Please Don’t Tease; and Shadows’ instrumental hits such as Apache, Wonderful Land and Foot-Tapper, you will be tapping your feet down memory lane! But don’t take our word for it. Check out their recordings and testimonials at www.cliffshadowstribute.co.uk

‘Simon is without doubt the best ‘Cliff Sound-alike’ in the business’. Sir Cliff Richard
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