About this Event
Sheffield Photographic Society - 2025 Annual Exhibition
The Annual Exhibition is the Society’s showcase for the best recent work of it's members, and will be held in the Sheffield Cathedral.
The Exhibition is a print only exhibition with 159 prints on display from 36 members in a variety of disciplines.
Included are 10 trophy winning prints plus 15 highly commended and 13 commended prints awarded by Judge Robert Millin from Wigan 10 Photographic Club.
Also on display will be 4 winning prints from an Open Photographic Competition that the Society has recently held for the general Sheffield public.
The Exhibition will be opened by Society member Keith Brown at 12noon Friday 28th March 2025.
The Exhibition is free entry, and will be open during the normal Cathedral times until Sunday 6th April 2025.
Visitors are asked to be respectful to other activities that may be taking place in the Cathedral during their visit.