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Wilde Sundays - Mike Lemin, Becky Brown, Veronica Drozdowski,

venue addressSouth Hill Park Arts Centre, Ringmead, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7PA
event dateSunday 24 Mar 2024
event timesStarts 2pm, admission £9.00
telephone 07985359654 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Wilde Sundays - Mike Lemin, Becky Brown, Veronica Drozdowski,

Mike Lemin sings and plays the piano, with a comedic / confessional style. Becky Brown is a singer-songwriter based in the South East. Her songwriting is influenced by pop singer-songwriters such as Taylor Swift, Lauren Aquilina and Nina Nesbitt. Veronica Drozdowski enters the music scene with her slow pop- influenced originals and twisted classic covers adapted to her own individual style.
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