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Springfest - Local Beers Festival

Come and enjoy this fundraiser for York House as part of our “Build For Our Future!” campaign.
York House Centre welcomes you to local beers galore! Succulent thirst-quenchers from Hornes Brewery, The Grid Project, Blackened Sun, and Bucks Star.
York House’s own bar will offer Prosecco, wines, ciders and soft drinks.
DRKDSH will be selling mouthwatering Caribbean flavours and pride themselves on flavour burst. Meat, fish and vegan options will be available; keep a look out for their menu for the day! See www.drkdsh.com/
The Little Oven of Joy will provide a variety of delicious pizzas for your delight. Have a look at: thelittleovenofjoy.co.uk/
Stony Radio will provide your daytime entertainment in the main hall with a rich variety of music from its fine presenters.
Evening Music Session: bring your instrument and/or voice for a strictly-no-electricity open session. All styles welcome. Just turn up from 7.30pm in the Beechey Room join in!
The whole day will raise funds for York House Centre, so come along and have a jolly time while supporting Stony’s only publicly owned community centre.
For more details email jukeofstony@gmail.com or have a look at the York House website: www.york-house.org.uk
noon - 10.00pm. FREE ENTRY!
York House Centre, London Road, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire MK11 1JQ
Sat 27 April
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