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Ken Ludwig's Leading Ladies

venue addressThe Little Theatre, Methodist Church, The Drive, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0DU
event dateWed 12 Jun to Saturday 15 Jun 2024
event times8pm nightly plus 2.30pm Saturday Matinee
£9 (or only £8 on Wed Night Preview and Saturday Night Special!)
telephone 07762 133620 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Guildonian Players
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About this Event

Ken Ludwig's Leading Ladies

Written in 2004, but set in1952, this hilarious comedy
features two English Shakespearean actors so down on
their luck that they are performing scenes from Shakespeare
on the Moose Lodge circuit in Pennsylvannia. When they hear
that an old lady in York, PA is about to die and leave her
fortune to her two long lost English nephews, they resolve to
pass themselves off as her relatives in order to get the cash.
The trouble is, when they get to York, they find out that the
relatives aren't nephews,labut nieces! Cross-dressed and
acting their socks off, one of them just has to fall madly in love
with the old lady's vivacious niece ... who happens to be
engaged to the local minister ...
Shades of Some Like it Hot? You really must see this show!
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