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Jane Austen's Lady Susan

venue addressSouth Brent Village Hall Station Approach South Brent Devon TQ10 9JL
event dateThu 16 May to Saturday 18 May 2024
event timesNightly at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 from South Brent Village Shop, also available online at www.sbads.show
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About this Event

Jane Austen's Lady Susan

In Rob Urbinati's charming and fast-paced period comedy, Lady Susan, a young widow, flees London and arrives at the country home of her obliging brother-in-law and his suspicious wife. Soon to come – uninvited – are an eligible suitor, her willful daughter, her chatty confidante and a dimwitted bachelor. Lady Susan schemes for position and wealth, but all does not go according to plan as she and her daughter become rivals for the same man.

Prospects are explored, schemes are schemed and intrigues are intrigued as she endeavours to secure a future for herself and her daughter; all this in the face of her reputation as the most accomplished coquette in England.

This amateur production of Jane Austen's Lady Susan is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk.
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