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Easter Family Fun Day

Our annual fun day with activities for all the family.

The year we have Easter and Spring themed crafts, bushcraft skills, outdoor cooking, trails, trampolining, and archery 'try-it' sessions.

There will also be light refreshments, a tombola and souvenir shop.

We have limited parking on site so you may need to park on Duchess Drive - please do not block residents' driveways.
event dateMonday 21 April
venue addressThe Jarman Centre, 119 Duchess Drive, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire CB8 9HB
event timesWe are open 10am to 4pm
Activities and Badge: £5 per child
Activities only: £4 per child
Archery: £3 per person

You do not need to pre-book.
telephone 07889706625 for latest times or cancellations.
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