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Concert: Into the Limelight with the Barfield Handbell Ringers

venue addressSt Mary’s Church, Church Gate, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 3PN
event dateSunday 12 May 2024
event timesConcert starts at 7pm. Tickets will be available at the door - £6 full, £5 concessions, accompanied children free. Light refreshments will be available in the interval.
telephone 01635 867421 for latest times or cancellations.
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Concert: Into the Limelight with the Barfield Handbell Ringers

Come along to hear the delightful sound of handbells as the Barfield Handbell Ringers Step into the Limelight with a programme of music from stage, screen and television featuring pieces from many well-known shows, films and TV programmes.
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