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Highways - Open Garden for NGS

A garden styled in different zones, starting in the front garden with a profusion of colourful planting and a morning deck area with a water feature. The side path gives interest with a rockery. The back garden has a rose garden, lawn, pretty greenhouse, deck and larger shrubs with planting making maximum use of space. Visitors comment on the inspiration they receive for their own garden plants.
Check website for latest information.
Fri 21, Sun 23 June, Fri 26, Sun 28 July, Sat 24, Sun 25 Aug, Sat 21, Sun 22 Sept (11-4). Admission £4, Children free. Home-made teas. Times:11:00 to 16:00.
Highways, Yelverton, Devon PL20 7HG
Fri 26 Jul, Sun 28 Jul

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