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Talking Heads by Alan Bennett

venue addressYork House Centre, London Road, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire MK11 1JQ
event dateSaturday 29 March and Sunday 30 March
event timesSATURDAY (doors and bar 7.30pm), SUNDAY (doors and bar 2.30pm). Tickets £12.00 and £10.00 (concs) available from wegottickets.com/event/649921 (SATURDAY) or wegottickets.com/event/649923 (SUNDAY)
telephone 07707750580 for latest times or cancellations.
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Talking Heads by Alan Bennett

The Play’s The Thing Theatre Company presents Talking Heads by Alan Bennett
In “A Cream-Cracker Under the Settee”, seventy-five year old widow, Doris, suffers a fall and, in her increasingly declining condition, she reminisces about the happinesses and sadnesses in her life while ultimately showing a feisty stubbornness.
Aspiring young actress, Lesley, sees “Her Big Chance” to star in a West German film, slowly, very slowly, realising and coming to terms with what she has let herself in for.

Don’t miss these two great monologues performed at York House. Tickets £12.00 and £10.00 (concs) available from wegottickets.com/event/649921 (SATURDAY) or wegottickets.com/event/649923 (SUNDAY)
This is a great event which also supports York House’s campaign to raise funds for “Save the Stables” – an essential building project to rescue a significant part of the 160-year-old building and bring it back into full community use.
Doors open at 7.30pm (Saturday) and 2.30pm (Sunday) and, of course, there will be a York House bar offering real ale, cider, lager, wine and soft drinks
For more details email jukeofstony@gmail.com or have a look at the York House website: www.york-house.org.uk

Stables” – an essential building project to rescue a significant part of the 160-year-old building and bring it back into full community use.
Of course, there will be a York House bar offering real ale, cider, lager, wine and soft drinks
For more details email jukeofstony@gmail.com or have a look at the York House website: www.york-house.org.uk

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