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Thames Valley Air Ambulance Big Birthday Bash

venue addressPenn Estate, Amersham, Buckinghamshire HP7 0PS
event dateSaturday 22 Jun 2024
event timesStarts at 11.00am until 5.00pm

Adult entry - £8
Child Entry - £4
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About this Event

Thames Valley Air Ambulance Big Birthday Bash

A fun-filled family day to celebrate 25 years of the Thames Valley Air Ambulance.

We are inviting everyone in our community to our ‘Big Birthday Bash’ to say thank you for their continued support over the years and we hope you can come and share the celebrations with us!

There will be a variety of fun activities for both kids and adults to enjoy, including:

- Special demonstrations from our crew
- Watching our helicopter fly in and land at the event
- A motor display
- Fairground rides including a helter-skelter
- Circus shows and workshops
- A delicious selection of food from local vendors
- Craft stalls from local businesses
And much more to still be announced

Since we took to the skies for the first time, we have been called out nearly 35,000 times to help those most in need across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Our crew do everything in their power to give everyone the best chance of survival, and that is thanks to the generous donations from our community which fund every lifesaving mission. This is our chance to celebrate together. We hope to see you there.
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