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The Sound Inside

Delicate, provocative and bursting with wit, THE SOUND INSIDE unravels the story of two outsiders on the threshold of breaking an indelible taboo. Nominated for six Tony Awards including Best Play, this UK Premiere sees an entanglement of relationships ensue when a solitary Ivy League creative writing professor becomes captivated by a brilliant, rebellious freshman student. Leading to the darkest of favours, THE SOUND INSIDE drives inexorably towards a climax filled with beauty, mystery, and the ultimate declaration of love.
Running Time: 85 minutes
Location: Traverse Theatre (Traverse 1), 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2ED
Box Office Tickets are available from: www.traverse.co.uk
Previews: £17.50 (£12.50)
Tickets: £22.75 (£17.75)
Traverse Theatre (Traverse 1), 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, Edinburgh County EH1 2ED
Sun 28 Jul to Sun 25 August

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