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Prima le parole: La Bella Italia in words and music

venue addressSt Paul’s Church, West St., Brighton, East Sussex BN1 2RE
event dateSaturday 22 Jun 2024
event timesJune 22, 7.00pm

Tickets (£12, £6 concessions, under 12s free) can be purchased on the Brighton Consort website (www.brightonconsort.org.uk/next-concert), or you can ring 01273 833746 or buy tickets on the door.
telephone 01273833746 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Brighton Consort
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Prima le parole: La Bella Italia in words and music

Brighton Consort

Prima le parole: La Bella Italia in words and music. The Italian language is known as ‘the singers’ language’ and sometimes considered to be ‘The Language of Love’. The programme will be made up of music all sung in Italian with only one exception - a wonderful mass setting by Claudio Monteverdi (which will be in Latin). The Italian texts themselves will be read out in Italian, with their English translations. Important passages from historical letters and writings about music and language will also inform our exploration of 'la bella lingua'.
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