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A Talk by Julian Barnwell - “Our Journey to Finding the Gloucester”

A Talk by Julian Barnwell - “Our Journey to Finding the Gloucester”

…how two diving Norfolk brothers, Julian & Lincoln Barnwell, discovered the wreck of a 17th Century warship which had carried the future King of England.

A royal ship carrying James Stuart, future King James II, ran aground on a sandbank off the Norfolk coast on May 6, 1682, with great loss of life. For 325 years, Gloucester’s exact whereabouts was a mystery – until 2007, when it was discovered by Norfolk divers, brothers Julian and Lincoln Barnwell and their friend, retired ex-Royal Navy submariner and diver James Little. Their search took 4 years, and only after another 5 years was it certain that it was the Gloucester.

Kept secret until 2022 to preserve the site from looting, the discovery of the Gloucester, and the wealth of artifacts recovered, were the subject of a major exhibition in Norwich Castle Museum in 2023, which attracted over 70,000 visitors.

Come along to Bergh Apton Church to hear the story first-hand from Julian.

We expect this to be a popular event so please book in advance by phone to 01508 558440 or via the Eventbrite link

This is the third event comprising the Bergh Apton Festival 2024. There will be three more - for details, visit our website:
Tickets £12
Bergh Apton Church, School Road, Bergh Apton, Norfolk NR15 1BX
Contact telephone: 01508 558440 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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