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Les Plaisirs, or The Pleasures

venue addressHoly Trinity Church, Rotherhithe, London SE16 5HF
event dateSaturday 15 Jun 2024
event times7:30pm - 9:15pm

Tickets £2-10
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Les Plaisirs, or The Pleasures

Musica Antica Rotherhithe celebrate the music of late-seventeenth century Paris with airs du cour by composers Michel Lambert and Marc-Antoine Charpentier, and music for viols by Marin Marais, Caix d’Hervelois and Le Sieur De Machy, culminating in a performance of Charpentier’s rarely-heard cantata Les Plaisirs de Versailles.

As ever, a bar selling wine, soft drinks, and Holy Trinity’s famous fruit gins - in cocktails or by the bottle - will be open from 7pm. This is the first concert of Musica Antica's 2024 season, spanning three centuries of music from medieval Florence to eighteenth century Paris. For more information and to book tickets (£2-£10), please visit Musica Antica's website.
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