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Half Term Day Camp for Children - Brilliant Birds

venue addressThe Nature Discovery Centre, Muddy Lane, Lower Way, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 3FU
event dateWednesday 29 May 2024
event timesPrice
£35 per child (Full day 10:00-15:00)

Additional booking information
N.B. Tickets for this event close at 10am on Monday 24th May and each attendee must complete and return prior to event the parental consent form sent out with the ticket information.
telephone 01635874381 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Half Term Day Camp for Children - Brilliant Birds

Fully supervised by trained staff, without the need for parental supervision. Wildlife themed activities for children to explore and engage in the great outdoors! The day is packed full of activities, games and crafts to help young people connect with the fantastic natural world that surrounds them and learn about our beautiful feathered friends.
This day camp will run from 10:00am to 3:00pm

Over the course of the day, children can expect to:
Connect with nature and learn about wildlife
Meet new like-minded friends and join Team Wilder
Create fun wildlife crafts to take home

N.B. Tickets for this event close at 10am on Monday 24th May 2024 and each attendee must complete and return prior to event the parental consent form sent out with the ticket information.

Terms & conditions
• If you or your child is testing positive for Covid 19, please do not come to our site. Just call and let us know.
• Parents are required to park in the car park and bring their child to the session leader for registration.
• Only those booked onto the session can attend as we adhere to strict supervisory ratios.
• During the session your child will be supported to enable them to engage in all activities.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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